Rescue Remedy is probably the most famous of all Bach Flower remedies. It is a composite remedy but sells as a single one. Very popular and very useful, it is comforting and reassuring when shocked, anguished, upset, fearful, unable to cope etc. Suitable for all ages and also for animals.
The Bach Centre say: Dr Bach created an emergency combination containing five flower remedies – Impatiens, Star of Bethlehem, Cherry Plum, Rock Rose and Clematis.
Rescue Remedy combines these five Bach Flower Remedies and can be used to help you cope with immediate everyday situations such as going to the dentist, interviews, making a complaint or wedding day nerves. It can also help in times of crisis or trauma such as bereavement, a relationship breakdown or redundancy.
How to Use
Rescue Remedy Spray: Activate the spray pump before use. Bring pump bottle up to mouth and apply 2 sprays on the tongue. Repeat as necessary.
Rescue Remedy Drop: Place 4 drops in water and sip at intervals, or put 4 drops directly on the tongue. Alternatively, add to 30ml mixing bottle containing still spring water and take 4 drops a minimum of 4 times a day. Use as often as required.
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